Spx Robinair Ac 350 Service Manual
Information, illustrations, and specifications contained in this manual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to make changes at any time without obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes. Further, ROBINAIR shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages (including lost profits) in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. If necessary, obtain additional health and safety information from the appropriate government agencies and the vehicle, refrigerant, and lubricant manufacturers. Int rod uct ion.
2 T echni cal Spe cific atio ns. 2 Keypa d Func tions.
Spx Robinair Cooltech 34134z
3 Glo ssa ry. 3 Men u Fu nct ion s.
4 Set up. 5 Selec t a Lang uage. 5 Selec t Ope ratin g Uni ts. 5 Add Oil to V acu um P ump. 5 Fil l th e In ter nal T ank.
The product also is indicated for visualization during vitrectomy. The initial recommended dose of Triesence for all indications except visualization is 4 mg (100 µL of 40-mg/mL suspension), with subsequent dosage as needed over the course of treatment. The recommended dose of Triesence for visualization is 1 mg to 4 mg (25- 100 µL of 40-mg/mL suspension) administered intravitreally. The product is indicated for the treatment of the following ophthalmic diseases: sympathetic ophthalmia, temporal arteritis, uveitis, and ocular inflammatory conditions unresponsive to topical corticosteroids.
6 Ope rat ing Ins tru cti ons. 7 Recov er Re frig erant.
7 Evacu ate th e A/C S ystem. 8 Rep len ish A/C Sys tem Oil. 9 Recha rge t he A/C Sy stem. 10 Equ ali ze H ose s Pr oce dur e. 10 Ope rat ing Ins tru cti ons — Aut oma tic F unc tio n. 12 Maint enan ce.
Spx Robinair Ac 350 Service Manual Pdf
14 Gener al. 14 Rep lac ing the Fil ter -D rie r. 14 Elect rical Prot ectio n. 14 Cha ngi ng V acu um P ump Oil.
15 Che cki ng f or L eak s. 15 Filli ng the I nter nal T ank. 16 Rep lac eme nt P art s. 16 Saf ety Pre cau tio ns. Ins ide F ron t Cov er W arran ty.
Insid e Back Cover.