
Lakefield 64b 22 Rifle Manual

  1. Lakefield 64b 22 Rifle Manual
  2. Lakefield 64b 22 Rifle Manual Safeties
  3. Lakefield Mark Ii 22 Rifle

I recently acquired my girlfriends old.22 semi-auto rifle and I was wondering if anyone could give me a roundabout age on it. The markings read 'Manufactured by Lake Field Arms LTD, Imported by Savage Arms INC.' Model 954L.S.

(Serial number L160XXX) It is in darn good shape, the bore is very shiny and the rifling is completely intact. It couldn't possibly be too old but it has seen some years for sure. Just wondering if anyone would possibly know an estimated year of production. I can't find any literature online for it that would guess on year of production. Just wanted to post my experiences with the Lakefield 64. I bought it in 1991 after moving to rural paradise. This included a huge pay cut, making about a third of my former salary.

I needed a.22 LR for varmint control. Went to K Mart.

They had the Ruger 10/22 that I wanted, but it was about $30 more than the Lakefield. Since I was SO broke, I went with the Lakefield strictly on price. At first, I had quite a few FTF and FTE. Was disappointed. The first time I used it 'for real', I had a rabid raccoon in the front yard.

After the first shot from 8 yards, it jammed. Fortunately, I had hit him head on thru the eye, and he dropped like a rock. Put another couple hundred rounds thru it and problems decreased.

Somewhere along the line, I lost the owner's manual. I could not figure out how to disassemble the bolt. Never saw or heard about another Lakefield. Recently, thanks to the internet, I found out that this is the same gun as the Savage 64, and I obtained a manual. After over 15 years, I cleaned it thoroughly, and it is still in excellent shape. No more jams. I shoot this rifle better than anything else I own.

I now have two 10/22s and several other rifles. The Lakefield is still the gun that is kept by the kitchen door. A month ago I had a raccoon running away with a duck in his mouth.

Lakefield 64b 22 Rifle Manual

Thanks to this gun, the duck is fine and that raccoon is no longer a problem. I'm 57 years old now and the eyesight is getting worse, but these classic iron sights work like a charm for me, daytime or nighttime.

This is a true example of getting more than you paid for. Kuddos to the Lakefield plant employees and management.

Lakefield 64b 22 Rifle Manual Safeties

I was out with a few of the rifles Saturday, when I had a strange problem with my Savage Model 64. It will not grab a round from the magazine, no matter what I do. Fast working of the bolt, slow working, placing a round in chamber and firing. Nothing works.

I clean it after every session and when not in use it lives a case. What I find strange is that it's a fairly new rifle. I bought it new, and have fired, at most, 600 to 700 rounds through her. Has anyone experienced any similar failures? Or heard of an inherent problem with this model?

Any thoughts will be welcome and appreciated. I'm frustrated and thinking I should have bought the 10/22 that I had originally planned to. I haven't striped it down completely, because the bolt move freely and has never hung up. In closer inspection of the magazine. It does seem like the lips are a bit beat up and lumpy. And, yes Zane, this appears to be the cheapest mag anywhere. Looks like pot metal to me.

The spring seems to be functioning well however. When I thumb unload, it pops the rounds up faster than i can flick em out. Also, when I inset the mag, it seem to move more than it should.

I hope it's something as simple as a loose fitting. So I went to the range today and tried different ammo and the best that fed was the bulk federal.I also played around with diff amount of rounds in the mag.I found that a maximum of 6 rounds was what was the least issues. If I put in 7-10 rounds it jams or throws the rounds out.is it possible the spring in the magazine is too stiff? Tossing the rounds out with too much force? Totally cleaned the gun and the mags before going to the range so dirty weapon wasnt an issue.just tossing my 2 cents in.

I have a new Model 64 I purchased as a first gun for my son. Took to the range and experienced same issues as above. Fired ammo from same box batch through.22 semi-auto pistol and other semi-auto rifles with no misfires or jamming issues.

I can chamber the first round but #2 will not auto feed and the round (lead standard) instead jams in the bolt action and bends the tip of the round. A complete disassembly of the bolt and barrel and oiling per recommended service procedures did not improve my result. No apparent issue with the bolt that I can see. I suspect the cheap magazine is the issue, any other ideas here?

I have owned a 954 for a few years(same gun different number under Stevens name)same issues,I have bags of tricks and used a lot to no avail at this point,this is a strange case,as the gun has been in production for a long time back to when it was a 'Cooey' (early 60's it began if I recall from my research)it has been sold and sold and sold,apparently with this same mag,as I ordered a 'Cooey ' mag to see if it would work better-not much,I keep it because the rest of the rifle is a well made solid rifle,and I hate to give up defeated! The mag for the mod 64 is made out of cheap, pot metal. If it is pushed upwards, it will grab the bolt and not let the gun fire. So I installed a set screw into the back of the magazine to hold it down just 1/8 of an inch. Also I polished the bolt with some 1000 grit sand paper and cleaned the factory grease off of the firing pin and the slot it sits in.


Lakefield Mark Ii 22 Rifle

The gun works fine now, but the Ruger 10-22 is a much better rifle. It functions flawlessly when clean and is much easier to keep clean. If Savage would have spent $5.00 more on a better magazine (quality), I would not be unhappy with the gun.

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