
2017 Scripps Regional Spelling Bee Pronouncer Guide

NOTE: Due to copyright laws, files on this page had to be taken down. However, lists which are even more efficient and comprehensive are in development and will be released soon.

To stay tuned. The Classroom/School Bee is the first step of the journey for most spellers, and usually occurs in either December or January. Depending on the school, you may first be required to win/place high enough in your Classroom Bee to advance to the School Bee.

The list for the 2017-2018 school year hasn’t been released yet, but every year there are 450 words, organized by grade, with an extreme variety of difficulty. For the Classroom Bee, you are usually only asked to spell the word list for your grade and up. However, for the School Bee, it’s important to study every word, even the ones that are not categorized in your grade level. Generally, even the toughest words on the list are pretty doable, but it’s best to be safe and make sure you have every word cold. VERY IMPORTANT: as of 2014, some Classroom/School Bees test vocabulary. If this is the case, you will need to learn the definitions of all of these words in addition to their spelling.

Find out as soon as possible if your school will do this. Also, sometimes School Bees are run slightly unconventionally, so it’s actually possible that they will use the list after the school list is exhausted. This only occurs in a small number of cases, so it’s best to know the school list first. Once you make it past the school list’s words, the bee will move to “Additional Words,” which are the words not on any Scripps-provided study list. The Additional Words for the Classroom and School Bees tend to stay pretty tame and are spelled like they sound.

» » » State Spelling Bee The 2019 State Spelling Bee is scheduled for Monday, March 18, 2019 in Bismarck – see. Sponsor - Primary Grant Support North Dakota Masons North Dakota Masonic Foundation The North Dakota State Spelling Bee program is funded primarily by Sponsor grants. The program is managed and administered by NDACS (North Dakota Association of County Superintendents).

The program consists of three levels of competition – School, County, and State. The program is open to students from public schools, private schools, and homeschools (or school district based homeschool associations). Public, private, and homeschools all need to enroll both with NDACS for State and Scripps for National in order to have their students eligible to advance from the County Bee level of competition to the State Spelling Bee.

State Early Enrollment Deadline: 11/30/18 Late Enrollment Period: 12/01/18 to Jan. 2019 State Early Enrollment Fee: $60. State Late Enrollment Fee: $85.Homeschools should refer to State Enrollment Form for fee. Here is the for registering schools and homeschools. The form can be printed and completed manually or you can open the link, do a “save as” on the Word document, enter the data into the table fields and print the form.

Scripps Spelling Bee 2017 2018

The completed State Enrollment Form should be mailed to the address at the bottom of the form along with a check for the fee payable to “NDACS State Spelling Bee” (unless your County Coordinator has provided other direction). Schools must be enrolled both with NDACS for State and with Scripps for National in order for students to be eligible to advance from the County Bee level of competition and compete at the State Spelling Bee. Scripps National Enrollment. National Early Enrollment Deadline: 11/30/18 Late Enrollment Period: 12/01/18 to Jan.

Scripps spelling bee 2017 2018

2019 School Early Enrollment Fee: $160 School Late Enrollment Fee: $235 Homeschool Early Enrollment Fee $110 Homeschool Late Enrollment Fee: $185 The person completing the Scripps enrollment should document the login credentials used for enrollment as these provide access to various Scripps resources and study tools throughout the Bee program year. Although the Scripps site states that the early bird discount is only available until October 15, 2018, NDACS has negotiated with Scripps to extend the early enrollment period until November 30, 2018. Scripps National late enrollment FULLY closes at the date they dictate in January 2019, so please be prompt with school enrollment. How to complete the online National enrollment with Scripps – Scripps has three enrollment options available from the above home page link:. Enrolled your school last year – you can sign in with last year’s login credentials and proceed.

Did not enroll your school last year – set up login credentials and proceed. Enroll multiple schools If the quantity or names of the schools in your area do not match Scripps records, please contact Scripps to correct the database (i.e., if you have one K-12 school building and the Scripps database shows multiple schools). How to check if your School is enrolled with Scripps - To check Scripps National enrollment status, use the above link, scroll down to “ Is your school enrolled”, enter the zip code, and click on “ Check school status” to review the National enrollment status for schools in your area.

School / County Bees and Student Registration for State Bee. School Spelling Bee Competitions Completed: 1/25/19 (or earlier if advised by County Coordinator) County Spelling Bee Competitions Conducted: 1/28/19 through 2/22/19 Registration for State Competitors Due: 2/25/19 School Spelling Bees – enrollment with Scripps provides access to tools for the school level of competition. County Spelling Bees – the “District Pronouncer Guide” (prepared by Scripps) for use at the County level of competition will be mailed to each County Coordinator by year-end.

Packets for you to provide to your “County Winners Advancing to State” will be included in the mailing, as well as a school enrollment status report. Each County can send two students from the County Spelling Bee to compete at the State Spelling Bee (students must be from a school that is fully enrolled both with Scripps for National and NDACS for State prior to the deadlines). If a County winner or runner-up is unable to attend, the County can send an alternate. Registration for State Competitors – the online forms are below for Spelling Bee Student Data registration and Spelling Bee Luncheon Registration which are both due by 2/25/19, with payment for lunches due by 3/04/19. Spelling Bee Student Data Form. Luncheon Registration Due: 2/25/19 Payment Due: 3/04/19 Click on the above heading / link to complete the online Spelling Bee and Luncheon Registration Form for student, parent, and County participants attending the Bee.

This form must be submitted online by Monday, February 25, 2019. Please print your completed form before you hit “Submit” at the end. Keep a copy as your invoice and mail a copy of the registration form along with check payment for lunches by Monday, March 4, 2019. State competitors and their families / guests are all welcome to attend the luncheon where we celebrate the achievement of all competitors.

At the end of the luncheon, we announce the Finalists that will compete in the Oral Spelldown Session to determine the Champion that will move on to the 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee. For those traveling to Bismarck the night before the event, a block of hotel rooms is reserved at the Ramkota – if you would like to reserve a room, please call the Ramkota Hotel at 701-258-7770. Study Guides – State (and County) Spelling Bees. Regarding Study Guides – the Scripps 2019 Spell-It!

Is the source for studying for the State Spelling Bee. Schools have access to this document with the Scripps login and password set up when they completed National enrollment with Scripps in the fall. Please note that the Oral Spelldown rounds at the State Spelling Bee will consist of words from the 2019 Spell It!

As well as additional dictionary words that are not included in the study guides. North Dakota State Spelling Bee PO Box 4087 Bismarck, ND Phone: 701-955-4900 Email.