
2016 Cpo 365 Development Guide

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Backbone of (Cmd) “Brilliant on the Basics” program! Led nine Sailors in the flawless execution of POSLC, Command Indoctrination and Sponsorship Programs for 1,200 personnel. Managed 70 facilitators through 1,512 training evolutions for 131 first-term Sailors, assigned 96 Sponsors with 100% contact and conducted one CAT survey. – ZEROS IN ON EXCELLENCE.

As Enlisted Recognition Program Manager, meticulously reviewed 17 SOQ/SOY packages and chaired five boards! Facilitated five BI2F sessions, qualified 16 CTT Instructors, 39 Sponsors, and conducted 11 USMAP and Navy COOL enrollments. – DEVELOPS LEADERS. Sailors excel under his direct leadership and produce RESULTS: four advanced in rank, five EAWS qualifications, two Lean Six Sigma Green Belt trained, two NAMs, one MOVSM, 100% PPME, BPME, IPME complete, one JSOQ and one BJOQ.

– INVALUABLE MESS MEMBER. Engaged in all facets of CPO-365! Led 22 Sailors supporting 90 students and families at the Clay County Science Fair and command Holiday Breakfast. NAVY NEEDS THIS PHENOMENAL LEADER IN KHAKIS NOW! SELECT HIM IMMEDIATELY!!.MISSION ORIENTED, TEAM PLAYER, WHO DELIVERS REGARDLESS OF ASSIGNMENT. – RESOURCEFUL.

As the leading force behind Aviation Radiological Inspection Facility, he developed an SOP that ensured flawless receipt, shipment and tracking of 1,940 aviation and surface depot level repairables. His efforts resulted in the release of 40 Airframes from XX control, saving the Navy $170K and receiving the Comander Naval Airforces Award for Quality of Service. Volunteered to fill an IA billet to support national objectives in the Born of Africa. Effectively prioritized 1,719 NMCS/PMCS requisitions valued at $7.3M. His efforts ensured critical requisitions were expedited to meet flight schedule requirements. – AMBASSADOR. Dedicated 24 hours to enhance community relationships with San Diego Armed Services, YMCA’s Military Volunteer Program and San Diego Port Tenants Associations.

His unselfish efforts helped beautify numerous areas of San Diego County.A PROVEN SUPERIOR PERFORMER WITH HIGH PERSONAL INTEGRITY.RECOMMENDED FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER.RANKS TWO OF 35 FIERCELY COMPETITIVE FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. – EXCEPTIONAL MANAGEMENT. Oversaw 13 Command NATOPS programs and managed standardization and training for over 320 Aircrewmen, performed 7 Unit Evaluations qualifying 7 NATOPS Instructors, 5 Assistant NATOPS Instructors, and 1 MH-60R CNAL NATOPS Evaluator.

– SUPERB DECKPLATE LEADER. Selected to extend 6 months to fill a critical billet.

Instructed 506 hours with a 93% event completion rate contributing to the graduation of 20 FRPS/FRACS. Aligned the squadron EAWS instruction with new CNAF directives, ensured 100% enrollment, coordinated 176 training hours, directed 11 boards, and qualified 39 Sailors.

– TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL EXPERT. Represented the community at the H—60 Common and MH-60R NATOPS conferences, assisting PMA—299, NAVAIR 4.0P, and H—60 managers, aligning the community with CNAF directives. Developed and tested a Safety of Flight urgent interim change, minimizing troubleshooting while maximizing training and fleet safety. Completed EPME Blocks 1-8 and JPME courses, and ten college courses at Ashford University.SAME TRAIT AVG AS #1. I WANT HIM IN MY CPO MESS.HAS MY STRONGEST POSSIBLE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FOR CPO SELECTION.RANKS NUMBER ONE MP OF 35 FIERCLY COMPETITIVE FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS.

DEDICATED MANAGER. As Airframes LPO, he demonstrated exceptional technical acumen while leading his work center’s production efforts. He managed and mentored 29 personnel, completing 15,788 scheduled and unscheduled maintenance actions, 6,069 special inspections, and four 364/546 Day Inspections, which resulted in the command‘s flexibility to successfully execute an arduous Fleet Replacement Squadron flight schedule. – RESPECTED LEADER. His astute mentorship was instrumental in the qualification of one Phase Coordinator, seven CDQAR’s, four CDI’s, eight PC’s, nine Tire and Wheel technicians, and 13 Hydraulic Contamination technicians. His efforts directly impacted mission readiness and resulted in being handpicked to become the Airframes Quality Assurance Representative.

– SUPERB MENTOR. He demonstrated seasoned leadership, providing guidance to junior sailors in his division culminating with his shop producing two Sailors of the Quarter, three Sailors receiving Navy and Marine CORPS Achievement Medals, and five advancements to the next higher pay grade.HAS MY STRONGEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER.RANKS THREE OF 35 FIERCELY COMPETITIVE FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. – MAINTENANCE PROFESSIONAL. Flawlessly directed the efforts of 70 maintenance personnel performing over 42,000 scheduled and unscheduled maintenance actions and 22 aircraft ‘His dedication ensured the flexibility to successfully execute an arduous Fleet Replacement Squadron flight schedule resulting in the safe execution of 2,617 sorties, 8,304 flight hours and the on time graduation of 183 pilots and aircrewmen. – DYNAMIC MENTOR. Personalized training and continued devotion to Sailor development led to the designation of seven CDQAR’s, ll CDI’s, and 20 Plane Captains which greatly enhanced Command flexibility and inspired 36 percent advancement and 95 percent retention.

– TEAM PLAYER. Incorporated the CNAF directed installation of ARQ—59 K/U Band hardware and software on two aircraft for initial naval testing with the USS XX. Masterminded the implementation of new loading procedures for encrypted codes within the system. Led two “No Discrepancy FOD Free” Aircraft Material Condition Inspections.GUARANTEED TO SUCCEED AS AN LCPO AT SEA. I WANT HIM IN MY CPO MESS.ADVANCE HIM NOW OR GIVE HIM A COMMISSION AND SEND HIM TO MY WARDROOM!.Ranks #1 of 47 First Class Petty Officers, and my Sailor of the Year.


Expertly led and managed a staff of 20, completing an unprecedented 14,100 hours of instruction, resulting in the graduation of 71 FRAC’s, 9 MH-60S Instructors, and exceeding CNO production goals by 21%. – HIS MENTORSHIP PROGRAM WAS ADOPTED AND USED COMMAND WIDE. Performed 28 CDB’s and led six Sailors to achieve 3 SOQ’s, Aircrewman of the Year, 100% retention, and four E-6 advancement.

Performed six DAPA screens and monthly command indoc. – SUPERIOR MASTER TRAINING SPECIALIST (MTS). Chaired four MTS boards and led eight personnel in achieving MTS and MTS Mentor qualifications. – The finest, most professional First Class Petty Officer I have ever observedlll Promote to Chief Petty Officer now! Petty Officer X has my absolute strongest personal recommendation for immediate selection to CPO.


A PHENOMENAL TALENT AND INTUITIVE LEADER PERFORMING AT THE CHIEF LEVEL TODAY. – NATURAL LEADER. Demonstrated outstanding leadership while leading a seven man team through the full operational spectrum of UAS operations as Detachment LPO, including 223 sorties totaling 1465 flight hours. His efforts provided critical Full Mission Video and ISR coverage and contributed directly to the capture of 18 High Value Individuals and 25 Persons of Interest during 42 combat operations in support of Operation NEW DAWN.

– SUPERIOR MANAGER. Meticulously orchestrated the UAS Detachment move from Al Asad to Tikrit, Iraq. He coordinated the inventory and staging of 1,145 line items and 67,000 lbs of sensitive hardware and UAS related equipment valued at $8.2M with 100% accountability. This resulted in the Tactical Operations Center, support facilities, and launch and recovery site becoming fully mission capable within seven days after arriving in Tikrit.

– DEDICATED MENTOR. Personally mentored three UAS personnel for over 60 hours throughout the rigorous Expeditionary Warfare Specialist qualification process. Dedicated to self improvement, he graduated from the American Military University earning a Master’s Degree in Business Administration.ALREADY PERFORMING AS A CHIEF, SELECT NOW!!!.RANKS #6 OF 45 FIERCELY COMPETITIVE FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. – DEDICATED TECHNICAL EXPERTISE. Spearheaded the review, rewrite and implementation of 5 enlisted and 5 pilot CNO approved syllabi. Implemented requirements from the 2010 AW Human Performance Requirements Review, which resulted in the transition of ASW fundamental lessons from AW “A” School to the FRS.

Updated 110 critical changes to 45 lessons for the addition of 86 series Avionics Operating Program software. Qualified 23 initial CSW gunners and 6 instructors, 5 FRS instructors, 13 Level III tactical qualifications, and 4 NAWS. – EXEMPLARY MENTOR.

Led 4 PO1’s and 5 PO2’s, yielding 7 MTS qualifications, 2 IOQ’s, 5 NAM’s, 1 MOVSM, 2 SWTI’s, 1 advancement to P01, 5 college classes, and 1 AA degree. – SUPERB INSTRUCTOR. Advised 8 CAT I fleet replacement aircrewmen through the 264 day syllabus with zero failures. Directly contributed to the completion of 25,916 flight and simulator hours. Resulted in the on time graduation of 197 Fleet Replacement Squadron pilots and aircrewmen.I CANNOT STATE IT ANY STRONGERPROMOTE THIS LEADER TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER NOW!.EXTREMELY MOTIVATED AND FORWARD LEANING FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER.

– CONSUMATE LEADER. Spearheaded 44 Squadron Production and Alignment meetings, streamlining 5 departments. Tracked Instructor Availability, Event Planning and Completion, as well as coordinating with the Maintenance Department resulting in the on time graduation of 197 FRS pilots and aircrewmen. Supported the CPO Mess and Legal Officer in varying duties and responsibilities as the FCPO Master-at—Arms. – TECHNICAL EXPERT. As the Lead ASW expert on HSMWINGPAC ASW Tactics Improvement ‘ream (TIP), conducted MK—5O torpedo testing for 3rd Fleet resulting in critical improvement modifications to Weapons software. Additionally, TIP efforts increased MH-60R/SH-60B Fleet wide readiness levels and mission accomplishment for 9 deployable squadrons.

While assigned as a Crew Served Weapons (CSW) Instructor, safely introduced and evaluated 12 CAT I/CAT 11 student completion of GAU-21 and M—240 qualifications. – MODEL INSTRUCTOR.

Served as the Class Advisor for 7 junior Sailors, resulting in the completion of the 264 day CAT I FRS Syllabus and follow—on assignments as Qualified Level I Aircrewmen. Co-developed the stand up of the squadron’s Aircrew Combat Training Continuum (ACTC) Program. These efforts led to instructors transferring to subsequent Commands with an approximate 30% increase in individual Mission Readiness Levels.STRONGEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY 0FFICER.RANKS 3 OF 45 EXTREMELY TALENTED FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS. – SUPERB DECKPLATE LEADER. Managed 4 PO1s, 2 PO2s, and 2 civilians in the execution of the FRS training schedule for 83 staff instructors and 206 students resulting in 9,603 flight/simulator events and the on time graduation of 197 FRS students.

Mentored 67 FRACS, 2 JSOQS, chaired 2 MTS boards and assisted HSM TYCOM in alignment of it’s MTS program to the current Center for Personal and Professional Development directives. – EXCEPTIONAL COMMAND INVOLVEMENT. As ACFL led 7 FEP sessions and 549 Sailors through PFA 12-2 and 13-1 resulting in a 99% PFA pass rate. As DAPA facilitated 381 hours of alcohol prevention material at 6 Command indoctrinations to 127 Sailors leading to a 43% reduction in drug and alcohol incidents from FY12 to FY13. Ensured 100% contact and raised $19,000 in support as the Command CFC representative. In addition, as a CAT member, assisted in 2 Command Equal Opportunity Assessments. – SUPERB COMMUNITY LEADER.

Organized 28 hours of community service at the Armed Services (MCA for the Neighborhood Exchange, providing military families in need with necessary food items. Completed 15 semester hours towards BA. 2013 Vanguard Life Saving Award Runner Up.A STRONG SELECT FOR CPO, HAS EARNED MY UPMOST RECOMMENDATION!

SELECT NOW!.MY #1 OF 45 EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE FUTURE CHIEF PETTY OFFICERS. – INSPIRATIONAL DECKPLATE LEADER. Managed and developed 7 Instructors, 67 students and 1 civilian in execution of the FRS training schedule. Resulted in the completion of 48,240 flight, simulator and classroom training hours. Served as the Air ASW Project Lead for the TYCOM.

Responsible for the advancement of 2 Sailors. Fostered the selection of 2 CHSMWP JSOQ’s, 1 JSOY, 1 Instructor of the Quarter, 4 Master Training Specialist Quals, 2 NAM’s, 2 Navy COOL certifications, 5 FEMA courses, 18 college credits and 1 Bachelors Degree. – SAILOR DRIVEN. Established a mentorship program that decreased student event failures by 40%. Fully contributed to the graduation of 197 pilots and aircrewmen, ensuring 100% of FY13 Fleet Replacement Squadron production goals were met on time.

Raised $35,000 as MWR Vice President and coordinated the command summer picnic for 410 Sailors. – STRONG COMMAND IMPACT. My most visible ACFL, 99% PFA pass rate and FEP sessions Leader. Conducted 1,378 room inspections for 114 Sailors as the Command Barracks LPO. ZERO SAILOR LIBERTY INCIDENTS UNDER HIS CHARGE!

– CIVIC/COMMUNITY MINDED. Organized 11 Sailors for 66 volunteer hours and qualified 50 civilians as Disaster Service Workers for the San Diego Community Emergency Response Team. I CANNOT SAY THIS ANY STRONGER: WE NEED HIM IN OUR CHIEF’S MESS! SELECT IMMEDIATELY!.


Possesses an excellent working knowledge of the Ordnance field; however, his lack of oversight, leadership and inability to communicate caused him to be relieved of his duties as the LPO. – As Assistant Squadron Duty Officer, his duties included answering phones, logbook entries and relaying information to the Squadron Duty Officer. Led eight ordnancemen completing 2,703 unscheduled maintenance actions, 16 Phase inspections and l3,364 day inspections. – Directly supported Squadrons GUNEX missions resulting in the M240/GAU—2l machinegunqualification of 36 aircrewmen and re-qualification of six instructors. Coordinated HARP 20xx in supporting four commands resulting in the expenditure of eight Hellfire missiles and seven MK-50 torpedoes. – Completed American Government I in pursuit of his Bachelor’s Degree at Central TexasCollege.

Member possesses the potential to be a successful First Class Petty Officer with continued focus on communication and leadership skills.A DEDICATED AND HIGHLY SKILLED SAILOR, WHO HAS SHOWN RESILIENCY AND DRIVE. – RECOGNIZED SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT. Coordinated 47 reenlistments and facilitated 311 Career Development Boards for HSL—XX and HSL—XX. Her efforts culminated in an OUTSTANDING grade of 96% on the Command’s most recent TYCOM Career Development Program Review and the Retention Excellence Award. – A COMMITTED LEADER.

Supervised the processing of over 500 pieces of official correspondence, 150 Evaluation/Fitness Reports, 60 awards, and 15 official messages. As the command Honor Guard Leader and Coordinator, she trained eight Sailors and ensured the flawlessly execution of 36 ceremonies for a number of commands in the San Diego region. – GIFTED MENTOR. Actively involved in the development of Sailors, providing sage advice and up—to—date information on a myriad of subjects to enhance their personal and professional growth. As a result of her counsel and guidance, 73 Sailors enrolled in USMAP and 67 Sailors began pursuing college degrees.HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR IMMEDIATE SELECTION TO CPO.A DYNAMIC AND PROFOUND LEADER WHO DEFINES DECKPLATE LEADERSHIP. – EXCEPTIONAL LEADER. Supervised 27 personnel maintaining 39 MH-60R helicopters which resulted in the expeditious completion of 3,492 unscheduled maintenance actions and 2,803 scheduled inspections contributing to the squadron executing 8,304 flight hours.

– TECHNICAL SAGE. Routinely sought out to diagnose and troubleshoot the most complex Vibration analysis discrepancies. Personally responsible for the completion of 65 functional check flights, expeditiously returning critical assets to a mission capable status. – EXCEPTIONAL MENTOR. Fostered an environment conducive to the professional growth of his Sailors resulting in the qualification of three CDQAR’s, nine CDI’s, eight Plane Captains and 261 in-rate qualifications greatly increasing work center flexibility. As assistant EAWS coordinator, he conducted hands-on training and tracked the progress of all junior Sailors within the Maintenance Department resulting in the qualification of ten Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialists.HAS MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER.

– SUPERIOR MANAGER. Effectively led and mentored 40 Sailors and one civilian in assisting 10 providers in the delivery of quality health care to over 5,000 Active Duty throughout 215 tenant commands. Expertly managed the daily schedule of 41 personnel in the completion of over 5,000 aviation physicals and 800 medical examinations contributing to a healthy deployable force. Assisted in the investigation of 2 aircraft mishaps, helping ensure the safety of the fleet and the prevention of similar issues. – ACTIVE LEADER.

Dedicated to professional growth, submitted multiple Sailor of the Quarter packages resulting in the selection of one HSL-XX Blue Jacket of the Quarter. Dedicated 6 hours to in rate training classes resulting in the advancement of two Sailors. – LEADS BY EXAMPLE. Raised espirit de corps in the department by assisting in a successful Family Day celebration for 50 staff members and their families.

Active in multiple Enlisted Associations to include HSM-XX FCPOA, Naval Branch Health Clinic Coronado FCPOA and MWR associations. HE IS RECOMMENDED FOR MORE RESPONSIBILITY.MY #1 OF 18 OUTSTANDING CHIEF PETTY OFFICERS!

PROMOTE NOW TO SCPO. – ENGAGED DECKPLATE LEADER. Led eight Sailors and two civilian personnel through the safe completion of 21,750 training hours resulting in the on-time graduation of 228 FRS Pilots and Aircrewmen. Orchestrated four Safety Stand Down’s for 481 Sailors. Navigated the successful completion of both the annual SAR and NATOPS CNAL/CNAP command evaluation for 42 aircrewmen. Developed one Senior and Junior SOQ and an Instructor of the Quarter.

Completed BA with Honors and is responsible for 12 college credit hours in his Department. – ASSERTIVE AND TRUSTED ADVISOR. As command DAPA, approachable and unassundng. Conducted Command Indoctrination for 96 Sailors. Streamlined command case reporting procedures that ensured immediate screening and treatment response for all DAPA cases. – COMMUNITY LUMINARY. MH-60R CNAF Evaluator, conducted 12 Unit NATOPS Evals for 144 aircrewmen, affected 102 NATOPS Publication changes and redesigned the Aircrewmen’s Pocket Checklist making it more efficient and resourceful.

Selected to attend the AWR AEDC. – CPO MESS FRONTRUNNER. As Command CPO 365 Phase I Coordinator, implemented and led MCPON Guided training for 30 CPO’s and 52 FCPO’s. As COMHSMWINGPAC CPO 365 Asst. Coordinator, oversaw the planning, scheduling and execution of 24 training and PT sessions, 2 COMREL, 3 teambuilding and 1 acceptance/pinning evolution for 155 CPO’s and 30 CPO Selectees.HAS MY ABSOLUTE STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR SELECTION AS SCPO OR CWO! SELECT NOW!.DYNAMIC FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER! READY FOR ADVANCEMENT!.

– EXCEPTIONAL LEADER. Spearheaded the human factors working group for the Point and Click interface system on the MH-60R, collecting inputs from 32 Instructors and 50 students. These efforts will directly shape future upgrades, improving functionality and integration of all Sensor Systems. Procured 5 new sonobouy training devices for the FRS. – SAILOR FOCUSED.

Class Advisor for 8 CAT I students through the 264 day syllabus with zero failures. Directly contributed to the completion of 25,916 flight/simulator hours and the on time graduation of 197 Fleet Replacement Squadron pilots and aircrewmen.

As the MTS Program Manager, trained 34 Staff Members, chaired 10 boards, and produced 7 MTS qualifications. Additionally, directed 22 Sailors in 55 PPME and Navy COOL certificates. Developed 2 Aircrew Instructors of the Quarter, 1 JSOQ, and 1 P01 advancement. – COMMAND/COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. As my FCPOA President, managed 52 PO1’s in the selection of my 2013 Junior Sailor Of the Year and Blue Jacket Of the Year. Co-founder of “Make theHomeless Smile in San Diego,” raised $623 with 2 fundraisers that supported 70 personnel.MY STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION FOR CPO SELECTION AND ANY PROGRAM LEADING TO A COMMISSION.SUPERB LEADER AND TALENTED.

COMMAND CAREER COUNSELOR. – Petty Officer XX is versatile and highly motivated. Despite being onboard for a short time, he has made significant contributions in a number of areas at HSM—XX. – DEDICATED CAREER COUNSELOR. He personally facilitated ten Career Development Boards and sour reenlistments while providing expert guidance to 35 Sailors regarding a myriad of retention related subjects.


Additionally, he created and incorporated organizational binders, at both the command and work center levels, to provide career related documentation and references to all hands. – Through his knowledge and energy, Petty Officer XX has already proven to be a valuable asset to the command.PETTY OFFICER XX IS RECOMMENDED FOR ADVANCEMENT TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER.FIERCELY COMPETITIVE FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICER.Strongly Competitive for the Vanguard Life Saving Award CY 2013.

– PHENOMENAL LEADER. Led 38 Sailors through 68 SAR evaluations, 15 high risk SAR Training evolutions and 11 First Responder training sessions which resulted in a Command grade of “Outstanding” for the annual SAR TYCOM evaluation. – PROVEN TACTICAL EXPERT. Recognized as SWTI Class 1302 “Honorman” immediately led 2 CSW courses and 2 ACTC evaluations. Qualified 4 Aircrewmen in SUW/ASW operations. Conducted 9 NATOPS flight evaluations for 5 Staff Instructors and 4 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen.

– WIDE RANGED COMMAND INFLUENCE. As Command Training Team Leader, instructed 63 Sailors through 8 Navy Pride and Professionalism Lessons. Led the Command through 2 Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Surveys, including the scheduling, briefing, and interviewing of 256 personnel and spearheaded the Executive Summary for 3rd Fleet approval. Facilitated 2 Command Mentorship Courses which produced 3 Command Mentors.

As one of my most visible ACFL’s, conducted 2 PFA’s and led 4 Fitness Enhancement Program sessions, resulting in a 99% PFA pass rate for Cycle 13/01-.HAS MY STRONGEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION FOR PROMOTION TO CHIEF PETTY OFFICER!.CONSUMMATE PROFESSIONAL. A FUTURE CHIEF IN THE MAKING. – EFFECTIVE MANAGER.

As Student Control Petty Officer, responsible for the daily planning of syllabus events for 117 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen. Directly contributed to the scheduling of 48,240 flight, simulator and classroom training hours and the on time graduation of 67 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen. – RELIABLE MENTOR. As the Training Department Sponsorship Program Manager, ensured 100% contact with perspective gains and verified available housing for 34 students and Nayy families. Provided daily guidance to four FRAC’s through a 264 day syllabus, resulting in early syllabus completion. – FOCUSED COMMAND INVOLVEMENT. Led 15 FEP sessions and assisted 450 Sailors through two Command PFA’s with a remarkable 99.9% pass rate.

Assisted with 21 random urinalysis sweeps and the collection of 673 samples with zero discrepancies. Conducted 100 room inspections and corrected 50 room discrepancies as Assistant Command Barracks Petty Officer.READY FOR POSITIONS OF GREATER RESPONSIBILITY.RANKS 9 OF 45 FIERCELY FCPO’S IN A DEMANDING FRS. SELECT HIM NOW!.

– DECKPLATE LEADER. Bldg and Facilities Manager, led and managed 46 personal in 960 man hours of $40k of renovations and upgrades. Submitted 63 trouble calls and obtained the funds, resources and qualified personnel to repair the roof that caused $70k in damage. – SUPERB MOTIVATOR. Sets the standard in physical readiness as the Command CFL.

Designed and implemented a command PT program and integrated NOFFs, which resulted in a 99% PFA pass rate. As a UPC he conducted 7 command tests for 549 sailors with zero discrepancies. MWR President, coordinated the command Holiday Party for 635 sailors, civilians and guests with a budget of $26k.

MWR Treasure, coordinated the CMD picnic and 4 fundraisers of $35k. – INVOLVED MENTOR. FCPOA President he led 52 PO1’s in the selection of 4 JSOQ’s, 4 BJOQ’s, 1 JSOY, 1 BJOY, 2 LOC’s, and 3 NAM awards. Coordinated the Children’s Holiday Party for 800 sailors and dependents for two Sea Commands while on deployment and one FRS Command. – SUPERIOR INSTRUCTOR. Class advisor to 4 students through a grueling 228 day syllabus which directly contributing to the completion of 21,610 flight and simulator hours, facilitating the graduation of 195 Fleet Replacement Squadron pilots and aircrewmen.HAS MY STRONGEST POSSIBLE PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION FOR CPO AND COMMISSION!.2o1o JSOY / HSMWINGPAC JSOQ!.

RANKED #1 OF 20 STAFF SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS!. – Irrefutable leader. Outstanding FRS Instructor and Student Control Pitman who painstakingly scheduled 15,500 classroom and laboratory hours of training. Flew 165 hours providing unsurpassed personal instruction while supervising 55 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen (FRAC) resulting in the on-time graduation of 23 FRAC’s. – Proactive Program Manager.

Command Enlisted NATOPS Instructor who skillfully managed 120 qualifications for 40 Instructor Aircrewmen. Effectively mentored and employed six senior Assistant NATOPS Instructors resulting in the completion of 14 NATOPS evaluations. – Linchpin of Command MWR programs. As an executive MWR team member, he organized seven fundraising events which raised $27,848.

Driven by success, he planned the squadron’s summer picnic and was highly instrumental in the successful 2010 Command Christmas Party. – Recognized expert.

Hand-picked as the Command Naval Aircrew Warfare Specialist (NAWS) Program Coordinator in which he coordinated 900 training hours and six evaluation boards resulting in six Naval Aircrewmen to qualify as the first NAWS Specialists. “‘Has my strongest possible personal recommendation for promotion to First Class.

Absolute top performer in every respect! Ranks 1 OF 2 Highly Competitive Second Class’s in my department and 2 of 16 exceptional FRS Aircrew instructors overall. – Exceptional Instructor and Manager. Adept Naval Aircrew instructor and Operations Petty Officer, flawlessly planned and managed 7,372 flight hours and 9,712 simulator hours, directly leading to the on-time graduations for 182 FRS students. – Recognized subject matter expert and mentor. Personally instructed 24 classroom lectures, 29 academic exams, and 70 instructional flight hours, including 30 NATOP’s checks and five CRM classes for 45 FRS Aircrewmen.

Mentored 7 Instructors in attaining MTS qualifications, led to 75% of instructors earning qualification. – Dedicated and involved. As Assistant Command Urinalysis Coordinator he assisted with 47 urinalysis and the flawless collection and submission of 1269 samples. Coordinated two PFA’s for 450 Sailors with an astounding 94.9 percent pass rate.

As Assistant Command CMEO he conducted two Command Climate Surveys and led two focus groups. Already performing at P01 level! Select NOW to any, and all, commission programs!. — Dedicated FRS Instructor.

Although medically limited, he has proven to be a valued Instructor and asset to HSM-41. Petty Officer Doe has personally instructed 33 simulator events, and more than 70 classroom lessons and academic tests, assuring the on—time graduation of 45 Aircrewmen, meeting CNATRA Production Plan goals for FY—ll. — Detailed manager.

As Operations Department Petty Officer, his skillful foresight and management of HSM 41’s daily flight schedule was critical to the completion of 4,300 flight hours and 5,665 Simulator hours, which led to on—time graduations of 108 Fleet Replacement Pilots and Aircrew. Remarkable performance as Department Logs and Records Petty Officer; responsible for the daily maintenance and flight documentation for 171 FRS Instructors/Students. Lauded by TYCOM SAR evaluators for exceptional record keeping.Outstanding mentor. As a senior Second Class Petty Officer, AWR2 Doe skillfully instructed five junior Aircrewmen to attain Functional Check Flight (FCF), Deck Landing Qualification, and Helicopter Aerial Door Gunner qualifications. His mentorship assured 100% of eligible FRS students attained Naval Aircrew Warfare Specialist designations.On track for advancement to First Class Petty officer. -Exceptional Instructor and Manager.

Adept Naval Aircrew instructor and Operations petty Officer, flawlessly planned and managed 7.372 flight hours and 9,712 simulator hours, directly leading to the on-time graduations for 182 FRS students.Recognized subject matter expert and mentor. Personally instructed 24 classroom lectures, 29 academic exams, and 70 instructional flight hours, including 30 NATOP’s checks and five CRM classes for 45 FRS Aircrewmen. Mentored 7 Instructors in attaining MTS qualifications, led to 75% of instructors earning qualification.Dedicated and involved. As Assistant Command Urinalysis Coordinator he assisted with 47 urinalysis and the flawless collection and submission of 1269 samples, Coordinated two PFA’s for 450 Sailors with an astounding 94.9 percent pass rate. As Assistant Command CMEO he conducted two Command Climate Surveys and led two focus groups.RISING STAFF INSTRUCTOR AMONG 16 COMPETITIVE SECOND CLASS PETTY OFEICERS!.

— Flawless Manager. As Command SAR Standardization Petty Officer, he facilitated 36 pool training events and 13 SAR jump evolutions resulting in the qualification of 42 Co’:.anc; Rescue Swimmers and 12 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen. I-lis exceptional management of 54 Instructor/Student NATOPS training jackets, documentation of 56 Swimmer Fitness Tests, 25 initial Command Rescue Swimmer qualifications and 182 training evolutions resulted in a grade of “On Track” with zero administrative errors for the 2011 TYCOH SAR Evaluation. – Adept mentor and trainer. He flew 178.9 flight hours and instructed 12 classroom events for 25 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen assisting in the on—time graduation of 12 Fleet Replacement Aircrewmen.

– Flawless military bearing. As assistant Command Fitness Leader, he led the commands Fitness Enhancement Program, command PT and Command PEA for 450 sailors with an astounding 94.9 percent pass rate during cycle 10-2. ‘.Petty Officer Doe has my strongest recommendation for promotion to First Class!.’.Ranks 3 of 12 highly motivated Second Class Petty Officers!. — Proactive Manager. As Student Control Petty Officer he managed the scheduling and completion of 3400 training hours. His efforts resulted in the on time graduation of 12 Fleet Replacement Aircrew and the qualification of 17 MH—60R instructors.

– Forward Thinking. As HSM-41’s Training Building Manager he initiated 56 discrepancy reports coordinating all major repairs around an 18 hour day simulator schedule.

Cpo 365 Development Guide 2016

His insightful scheduling led to a 99.4% simulator availability rate. He spearheaded a project to re-capitalize previously unused space, providing much needed training spaces as squadron student throughput and manning levels increases to meet growing fleet demands. – Superb Instructor. Led 28 Fleet Replacement Aircrew students through 450 flight and simulator events, continuously lauded in student critiques for his skilled abilities as an instructor. Selected as Instructor of the Quarter Third Quarter CY 2010. – Active in local community, volunteered with Knox Elementary and Local Veterans Homes. AW2 Jonny Doe already performs at a First Class level.

Ready for advancement now!. Rank 1 of 12 highly motivated Second Class Petty Officers!.Strong Leader. FRS Aircrew Instructor responsible for the training of 28 students, encompassing 1700 training events and 3,400 training hours. Instrumental in graduation of 1 Fleet Replacement Aircrewman and HSM—4l meeting all CNATRA integrated Production Plan pals. His steadfast performance led to his selection as HSM-41 JSOQ 2nd Quarter 2010.Structured Manager. Acting Model Manager for six CNO approved syllabi. Supervised five personnel in the submission of 433 Technical Discrepancy Reports, revision and maintenance ’ all Syllabi and tracking of student critique submissions.

His efforts resulted in the,tima transition of HSM-40 and the training of 182 Fleet Replacement Pilots and Aircrew. Influential Mentor. As MTS Assistant Program Manager and Class Advisor he conducted aining and mentoring to 12 FRS Instructors and students. His exceptional mentorship led to 2 new Master Training Specialist and 3 Aircrewman earning NAWS designations.AWR2 Doe has earned my strongest possible recommendation for immediate advancement.SAILOR DIRECTED TO DETACH EARLY TO FILL A CRITICAL GAPPED FDNF VACANCY AT SEA!.HANDS-DOWN MY #1 RANKED LDO CANDIDATE AND #2 OF 58 HAND-SELECTED FRS INSTRUCTORS!!.

– DECKPLATE LEADER. Backbone of (Cmd) “Brilliant on the Basics” program! Led nine Sailors in the flawless execution of POSLC, Command Indoctrination and Sponsorship Programs for 1,200 personnel. Managed 70 facilitators through 1,512 training evolutions for 131 first-term Sailors, assigned 96 Sponsors with 100% contact and conducted one CAT survey. – ZEROS IN ON EXCELLENCE. As Enlisted Recognition Program Manager, meticulously reviewed 17 SOQ/SOY packages and chaired five boards!

Facilitated five BI2F sessions, qualified 16 CTT Instructors, 39 Sponsors, and conducted 11 USMAP and Navy COOL enrollments. – DEVELOPS LEADERS. Sailors excel under his direct leadership and produce RESULTS: four advanced in rank, five EAWS qualifications, two Lean Six Sigma Green Belt trained, two NAMs, one MOVSM, 100% PPME, BPME, IPME complete, one JSOQ and one BJOQ. – INVALUABLE MESS MEMBER. Engaged in all facets of CPO-365!

Led 22 Sailors supporting 90 students and families at the Clay County Science Fair and command Holiday Breakfast. NAVY NEEDS THIS PHENOMENAL LEADER IN KHAKIS NOW! SELECT HIM IMMEDIATELY!!. Develops Leaders. Sailors excel under his direct leadership and produce RESULTS: 92% Instructor Certification, 78% MTS Qualification, 80% MTS Mentor, 2 Bachelor’s Degrees, 2 Associate Degrees, 1 Officer Candidate School selection, 1 Naval Academy selection, 1 Officer Candidate School Candidate, 3 JSOQ’S, 1 IOQ, 3 MIOQ, 6 AIRCREW Honor Students, 1 NCM, 10 NAMS, 3 MOVSM.

Hand selected as an AWR Rating SME to update 8,975 duties, tasks and assignments. His efforts aligned the AWR training pipeline to meet fleet requirements and directly contributed to implementation of the CNO’s Ready Relevant Learning initiative. Performing now as a SCPO. Acting LCPO of NATTC Command DAPA, a position normally reserved for a SCPO.

Screened 55 cases and provided mandatory training and resources to 3800 NATTC personnel resulting in a 44% decrease in alcohol related incidents from the previous year. Leader of Chiefs. Spearheaded USFF CPO Fleet Training Team course for 13 MCPOs, 19 SCPOs, 93 CPOs, and 275 PO1s, Led 2 CPO 365 Training and PT sessions encompassing everything on “CPO Leadership” to 37 PO1s and 10 CPOs. As AVPOA Vice President 2nd in command of 105 Avionics Petty Officers. Led 105 Staff and 1000 Navy and Marine Corps Students in Annual Departmental Avionics Challenge spanning 5 Navy and Marine Corps Rates. Ranked #1 of 166 HIGHLY COMPETITIVE FCPOs. BEST qualified, select to CPO now!!.DCSS Senior Sailor of the Year, FY15.

– Engaged at the CPO level. Led 37 JOs, two CPOs, and 236 Sailors. Chaired 317 CDBs; resulted in two promotions, one CMD BJOQ, 23 C-Way approvals, 37 personal awards, 10 advancements, one Meritorious Advancement Program selection, and a 99% PFA pass rate. Chaired ranking boards for 198 E5/E4/E3 evaluations. – Command Influence.

Executed the Corpsmen to Excel mentorship program for 760 E-5/E-4 Sailors for NAVMEDEAST that trained and developed Sailors based on MCPON’s guidance. FCPOA Social Committee Chair, led 166 PO1s in three social functions increased mess strength by 5%. Led 10 Safety POs; efforts resulted in zero mishaps with safety hazards in preparation for all Quality Assurance inspections. Conducted 11 financial counseling sessions that eliminated $8K in off-site referrals.

– Mess Leader. FY-16 CPO 365 CMC, orchestrated command-wide PHASE I training evolutions for 196 CPOs/FCPOs.

1 of 8 CPO 365 CMC’s that instilled commitment and professional growth to 17 FCPOs. Completed 100% CPO 365 Development Guide Phase I PQS. Absolute must select to CPO! Has my strongest recommendation for promotion!

First class petty officers will no longer be required to participate in the training program for future chiefs, known as CPO-365 Phase I. Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (SG/IW) Steven Giordano said he is ending the three-year-old policy that made participation mandatory, and will instead give E-6 sailors who have not yet been selected to advance a chance to opt out of the Phase I, which encompasses September through July.

But for those sailors selected for chief petty officer in the summer, participation in the Phase II portion of the program will remain a requirement. That's the final training leading up to the Navy-wide pinning ceremonies for new chiefs, held annually in mid-September. Giordano does not expect a mass exodus from the Phase I program because, he says, Navy commands should be operating their local Phase I programs in a way that makes sailors want to opt in. The change is designed in part to give sailors more autonomy over their career decisions, he said. 'If we educate, develop and train our sailors to be mature people who can make their own decisions, we have to allow them to make those decisions,' Giordano said in a recent interview with Navy Times. 'And if they choose not to be part of this, then that's the decision they make.

Cpo 365 Development Guide 2016 Pdf

But I think if we get this thing right, then you'll probably have more sailors than not continuing to be part of these processes.' And if a sailor does opt out, that doesn't mean the chiefs mess should just let them go, either. Allowing sailors to make their own decisions about the program will help command leaders to gauge a sailor's initiative, a characteristic Giordano says is critical in the type of leaders the Navy needs. 'Just this mechanism alone allows commanding officers and senior enlisted leaders to better evaluate their sailors on things like being people of initiative,' he said.

But Giordano won't go so far as to say whether commands should penalize sailors on their annual performance evaluations if those sailors opt out of the program. 'I'm not going to get into telling COs how to evaluate their sailors,' he said. 'That's a hard thing for anyone to work through as a leader and make sure we're identifying the right people with the right potential to be that generation behind us.'